Dr Zora Singh

Dr Zora Singh (2012)
Foundation Professor (Horticulture), Curtin University, Perth, Australia Dr Zora Singh’s research in horticulture primarily focuses on production technology and postharvest physiology of fruits. Prof. Singh and his team developed controlled atmosphere (CA) technology in mango, postharvest disinfestation process for bush tomatoes, double the percentage of apple fruit with red blush. He has published more than 304 research publications and was key invited speaker in 16 conferences in the world. Professor Singh served as a member of the International Scientific Committee, Advisory and International Scientific Committee, and Editorial Committee of more than 15 international conferences and serving on the editorial boards of 13 international journals. His outstanding and original research contributions in Horticulture have been recognised by various prestigious research awards such Jawahar Lal Nehru Award- 1987 by ICAR; INSA Young Scientist Medal -1988 and Professor L.S.S. Kumar Memorial Award-1988; UNESCO/ ROSTSCA Young Scientist Award – 1989; Pran Vohra Award – 1991; the Vice-Chancellor’s Award for excellence in research and teaching – 2007 by Curtin University and joint U.P. Hedrick Award-2008 by the American Pomological Society, USA. He has supervised to successful completion of 18 Ph.D., 8 M.Sc., 2 M.Phil. and 17 honours (17) students and 20 international scientists. The International Society of Horticultural Sciences awarded the ISHS Medal-2004 and citation in recognition of his international meritorious services in Horticulture Education and Training.